Watchman Willie Martin Archive

Government Admits Concentration Camp Plan �The truth is yes... the plans are here...where you could, in the name of stopping terrorism...evoke the military and arrest Americans and put them in detention camps.� (Congressman Henry Gonzales, (D-TX)

In a revealing admission the Director of Resource Management for the U.S. Army confirmed the validity of a memorandum relating to the establishment of a civilian inmate labor program under development by the Department of the Army. The document states, �Enclosed for your review and comment is the draft Army regulation on civilian inmate labor utilization� and the procedure to �establish civilian prison camps on installations.� (Cherith Chronicle, June 1997)

Civilian internment camps or prison camps, more commonly known as concentration camps, have been the subject of much rumor and speculation during the past few years in America. Several publications have devoted space to the topic and many talk radio programs have dealt with the issue.

However, Congressman Henry Gonzales (D-TX) clarified the question of the existence of civilian detention camps. In an interview with the congressman stated: �the truth is yes - you do have these stand by provisions, and the plans are here...whereby you could, in the name of stopping terrorism...evoke the military and arrest Americans and put them in detention camps.�

Congress repealed the Emergency Detention Act of 1950 twenty years later in 1971. Seemingly the threat of civilian internment in the United States was over, but not in reality. The Senate held hearings in December, 1975, revealing the ongoing internment plan which had never been terminated. The report entitled, �Intelligence Activities, Senate Resolution 21,� disclosed the covert agenda. In a series of documents, memos and testimony by government informants, the picture emerged of the designs by the federal government to monitor, infiltrate, arrest and incarcerate a potentially large segment of American society.

The Senate report also revealed the existence of the Master Search Warrant (MSW) and the Master Arrest Warrant (MAW) which are currently in force. The MAW document, authorized by the United States Attorney General, directs the head of the FBI to: �Arrest persons whom I deem dangerous to the public peace and safety. These persons are to be detained and confined until further order.� The MSW also instructs the FBI Director to �search certain premises where it is believed that there may be found contraband, prohibited articles, or other materials in violation of the Proclamation of the President of the United States.� It includes such items as firearms, shortwave radio receiving sets, cameras, propaganda materials, printing presses, mimeograph (copy) machines, membership and financial records of organizations or groups that have been declared subversive, or may be hereafter declared subversive by the Attorney General.�

Since the Senate hearings in 1975, the steady development of highly specialized surveillance capabilities, combined with the exploding computerized information technologies, have enabled a massive data base of personal information to be developed on millions of unsuspecting American citizens. It is all in place awaiting only a presidential declaration to be enforced by both military and civilian police.

FEMA, whose black budget comes form the Department of Defense, has worked closely with the Pentagon in an effort to avoid the legal restrictions of Posse Comitatus. While FEMA may not have been directly responsible for these precedent-setting cases, the principle of federal control was seen during the Los Angeles riots in 1992 with the federalization of the National Guard and during the siege at Waco, where Army tanks equipped with flame throwers were involved in the final conflagration.

Government Violence is �Legitimate?� The Deputy Attorney General of California commented at a conference that anyone who attacks the State, even verbally, becomes a revolutionary and an enemy by definition. Louis Guiffreda, who was head of FEMA, stated that �legitimate violence is integral to our form of government, for it is from this source that we can continue to purge our weaknesses.�

It is significant to note that the dictionary definition of terrorism: �The calculated use of violence� corresponds precisely to the government�s stated policy of the �use of legitimate violence.� One might ask, who are the real terrorists? Guiffreda�s remark gives a revealing insight into the thinking of those who have been charged with oversight of the welfare of the citizens in this country. If one�s convictions or philosophy does not correspond with the government�s agenda, that individual may find himself on the government�s enemy list. This makes him/her a �target� to be �purged� by the use of �legitimate violence.� (Present Truth Ministry, P.O. Box 1148, Sallisaw, OK, 74955, by David Rydel)

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